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  1. Date Format is showing incorrectly in the filte...

    Hi , The data sheet and the Filter tab are having 2 different date formats As you can see in the below screenshot Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 10.55.41 PM.png (11.0 KB) Date Value for the column Date of Joining is 09-01-…...showing incorrectly in the filter Aspose.Cells Product Family...Hi , The data sheet and the filter tab are having 2 different...
  2. Unable to Apply Filter Functionality to Protect...

    Hi, I am trying apply Filter functionality to protected excel but it is not showing data in Filter. When I click on Filter it display as Showing All Platform: .Net ------------------------------------Dummy Code------…...Unable to Apply Filter Functionality to Protected Excel and Sheet...11:39am #1 Hi, I am trying apply filter functionality to protected...
  3. Adding images is very slow with Flare filter (R...

    Hi Support, To reduce the size of the pdf produced, we need to use the Flate Filter when adding images to the page’s Resources. The problem is that adding images with “ImageFilterType.Flate” is much slower than “ImageF…...images is very slow with Flare filter (REPSVC-1478) Aspose.PDF Product...produced, we need to use the Flate filter when adding images to the page’s...
  4. Filter out duplicates when extracting images - ...

    Hello! We are investigating Aspose.PDF package for data extraction. We try to extract images from a big 600-page PDF document with PdfExtractor using its HasNextImage/GetNextImage loop (…...Filter out duplicates when extracting images Aspose.PDF Product...manually iterate over pages and filter out already extracted images...
  5. Can not filter Specific Sender from Server usin...

    use the code to Filter Specific Sender: import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Calendar; import org.junit.Test; import; import; im…...Can not filter Specific Sender from Server using IMAP Client... 5:23am #1 use the code to filter Specific Sender: import java...
  6. How to apply a filter to a excel sheet and copy...

    Hi, How to apply a multiple Filters to a excel sheet and copy the resulting rows to another sheet using Aspose C#. If any example would be grateful. Thanks in advance....How to apply a filter to a excel sheet and copy the resulting...Hi, How to apply a multiple filters to a excel sheet and copy the...
  7. filter方法 | Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET API...

    Filter方法 Filter() 筛选表。 def Filter ( self ): ... 也可以看看 模块 aspose.cells.tables 类 ListObject convert_to_range方法 put_cell......filter方法 filter() 筛选表。 def filter ( self ): ... 也可以看看 模块 aspose...
  8. filter方法 | Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET API...

    Filter方法 Filter(field_index, criteria) 使用指定条件过滤列表。 def Filter ( self , field_index , criteria ): ... 范围 类型 描述 field_i......filter方法 filter(field_index, criteria) 使用指定条件过滤列表。 def filter...评论 Aspose.Cells 将删除此字段上的所有其他 filter 设置为 Ms Excel 97-2003。 也可以看看...
  9. filter 属性 | Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET AP...

    Filter 属性 Filter 属性 获取和设置过滤数据的条件。 定义: @property def Filter ( self ): ... @Filter . setter def Filter ( self , value )......filter 属性 filter 属性 获取和设置过滤数据的条件。 定义: @property def filter (...( self ): ... @filter . setter def filter ( self , value ): ....
  10. Enum PivotFilterType | Aspose.Cells for .NET AP...

    Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType enum. Represents PivotTable Filter type...enumeration Represents PivotTable Filter type. public enum PivotFilterType...Indicates the “begins with” filter for field captions. CaptionBetween...