Immutable object which represents effective 3-D formatting properties....() Returns the color of an extrusion. Read-only System::Drawing::Color...Returns the height of an extrusion effect. Read-only double ...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::Shape::get_ShadowEnabled method. Returns true if a shadow effect is enabled in C++....AppendLine ( String :: Format ( u "Extrusion enabled: {0}" , shape -> ...
Represents 3-D properties....override Returns the color of an extrusion. Read-only IColorFormat ....Returns the height of an extrusion effect. Read double . System::SharedPtr...
Shape OleFormat property. Provides access to the OLE data of a shape. For a shape that is not an OLE object or ActiveX control returns null in C#....Text}" ); AppendLine ( $"Extrusion enabled: {shape.ExtrusionEnabled}"...
Shape AcceptEnd method. Accepts a visitor for visiting the end of the shape in C#....Text}" ); AppendLine ( $"Extrusion enabled: {shape.ExtrusionEnabled}"...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::Shape::get_Chart method. Provides access to the chart properties if this shape has a Chart in C++....AppendLine ( String :: Format ( u "Extrusion enabled: {0}" , shape -> ...
Shape ShadowEnabled property. Returns true if a shadow effect is enabled in C#....Text}" ); AppendLine ( $"Extrusion enabled: {shape.ExtrusionEnabled}"...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::Shape::get_HasChart method. Returns true if this Shape has a Chart in C++....AppendLine ( String :: Format ( u "Extrusion enabled: {0}" , shape -> ...