Export to XPS format using footnote and endnote saving features in C#....Endnote Features Supported on XPS Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...Placement Planned XPS Export - Field Features XPS Export - Numbering Features...
Export to HTML-based format using table saving features in Java....Features Supported on HTML Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...for reference only. Table is exported to HTML as <table> and other...
Export to ODT format using custom markup saving features in Java....Features Supported on OpenDocument Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...custom markup and only text is exported. Jump to this location in...
Export to HTML-based format using field saving features in Java....Features Supported on HTML Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...be updated, most fields are exported if they are up-to-date by...
Export to DOC format using annotation saving features in Java....Annotation Features Supported on DOC Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...other formats that Aspose.Words export to only allow bookmarks with...
Export to FlatOPC – XML format using annotation saving features in Java....Features Supported on FlatOPC Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...other formats that Aspose.Words export to only allow bookmarks with...
Export to OOXML format using annotation saving features in C#....Features Supported on DOCX Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...other formats that Aspose.Words export to only allow bookmarks with...
Export to XPS format using text saving features in C#....Text Features Supported on XPS Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...Yes Vertical Position Yes XPS Export - Table Features Subscribe...
Export to OOXML format using text saving features in C#....Features Supported on DOCX Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...Vertical Position Yes DOCX Export - Table Features Subscribe...
Export to PDF format using text saving features in C#....Text Features Supported on PDF Export Contents [ Hide ] This page...Yes Vertical Position Yes PDF Export - Table Features Subscribe...