Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....exif com.aspose.imaging.exif.enums com.aspose...Gets or sets the pointer to EXIF IFD....
Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions enum. Specifies options controlling behavior of ReportingEngine while building a report in C#....Specifies that the engine should use EXIF image orientation values to...
jpeg文件的Exif数据容器...] JpegExifData class jpeg文件的EXIF数据容器。 public sealed class JpegExifData...(ushort) SerializeExifData () 序列化EXIF数据。写入标签值和内容。影响最大的尺寸标签是缩略图标签内容。...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....exif com.aspose.imaging.exif.enums com.aspose...types.derived com.aspose.imaging.exif Classes ExifData ExifProperties...