WhiteBalance ExifData.WhiteBalance property public ExifWhiteBalance WhiteBalance { get ; set ; } Смотрите также enum ......Exif сборка Aspose.CAD UserComment...
GPSImgDirection ExifData.GPSImgDirection property public TiffRational GPSImgDirection { get ; set ; } Смотрите также ......Exif сборка Aspose.CAD GPSDOP GPSImgDirectionRef...
Gamma ExifData.Gamma property public TiffRational Gamma { get ; set ; } Смотрите также class TiffRational class ExifD......Exif сборка Aspose.CAD GainControl...
GainControl ExifData.GainControl property Gets or sets the degree of overall image gain adjustment. public ExifGainCo......Exif assembly Aspose.PSD FocalPlaneYResolutio...
GPSStatus ExifData.GPSStatus property Gets or sets the status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded. public ......Exif assembly Aspose.PSD GPSSpeedRef...
GPSDestLongitude ExifData.GPSDestLongitude property Gets or sets the GPS longitude of the destination point. public T......Exif assembly Aspose.PSD GPSDestLatitudeRef...
GPSTrackRef ExifData.GPSTrackRef property Gets or sets the reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movemen......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging GPSTrack...
GPSDestLatitude ExifData.GPSDestLatitude property Gets or sets the GPS latitude of the destination point. public Tiff......Exif assembly Aspose.Imaging GPSDestDistanceRef...