Aspose.Email.Clients.Base Enumeration Enumeration Description EncryptionProtocols Defines the possible versions of en......the possible versions of encryption protocols. Aspose.Email.Clients...
MetadataType numaralandırma MetadataType numaralandırma Meta veri türünü temsil eder. MetadataType türü aşağıdaki üye......gösterir: alanlar Alan Tanım ENCRYPTION Dosyayı şifreler. DECRYPTION...
UserPassword PdfEncryptionDetails.UserPassword property Gets or sets the User password. public string UserPassword { ......specified in the document’s encryption dictionary. See Also class...
Microsoft Exchange 定义了 Microsoft Exchange Server 和 Microsoft Exchange Client 使用的这个属性 规范名称 备用名称PR_PST_ENCRYPTION... 规范名称: 备用名称:PR_PST_ENCRYPTION public static readonly PidTagPropertyDescri...
is_protected_by_rms propiedad is_protected_by_rms propiedad Obtiene si el archivo está protegido por Microsoft Rights......cells clase FileFormatInfo is_encrypted propiedad load_format propiedad...
is_protected_by_rms Eigentum is_protected_by_rms Eigentum Ruft ab, ob die Datei durch Microsoft Rights Management Ser......Klasse FileFormatInfo is_encrypted Eigentum load_format Eigentum...