Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_Salmon () See...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_SaddleBrown()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_LawnGreen ()...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_LavenderBlush()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_Gray () See...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Goldenrod()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_DarkSlateGray...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_DarkSlateBlue()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_LimeGreen ()...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Lime()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_Cornsilk ()...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_CornflowerBlue()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_SkyBlue () See...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Silver()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_SeaShell ()...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_SeaGreen()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_Crimson () See...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Cornsilk()...
Returns a Pen object with a width of 1 and whose ARGB color in hexadecimal notation has a value of...SharedPtr < Pen > System :: Drawing :: Pens :: get_OliveDrab ()...Class Pens Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Olive()...