Returns a value that indicates the alignment of the current Pen object....:: PenAlignment System :: Drawing :: Pen :: get_Alignment ()...Class Pen Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides Pen()...
Returns the font family of the font represented by the current object....SharedPtr < FontFamily > System :: Drawing :: Font :: get_FontFamily ()...Class Font Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_OriginalFontName()...
Constructs a new instance of EncoderParameters class.... System :: Drawing :: Imaging :: EncoderParameters...EncoderParameters Namespace System::Drawing::Imaging Library Aspose.Slides...
Sets the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object.... void System :: Drawing :: Rectangle :: set_X ( int...Rectangle Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_X()...
Sets the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object.... void System :: Drawing :: RectangleF :: set_Y ( float...RectangleF Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Y()...
Sets the location of the upper left corner of the rectangle represented by the current object.... void System :: Drawing :: RectangleF :: set_Location...RectangleF Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_Location()...
Sets a value that indicates the interpolation mode associated with the current object.... void System :: Drawing :: Graphics :: set_InterpolationMode...Graphics Namespace System::Drawing Library Aspose.Slides get_InterpolationMode()...
Sets the LineJoin value which determines how lines of this custom cap are joined.... void System :: Drawing :: Drawing2D :: CustomLineCap...CustomLineCap Namespace System::Drawing::Drawing2D Library Aspose.Slides...