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dotnet core

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  1. How to Run Aspose.Words in Docker|Aspose.Words ...

    Integrate Aspose.Words functionality into your application using Docker regardless of what technology is in your development stack. Learn how to use Aspose .Words in a Docker container in C#....NET Core 2.2 SDK is used in the example...Visual Studio, create a .NET Core console application. Install...
  2. Unhandled exception. System.IO.FileLoadExceptio...

    Hi, I am getting the following error when running the code given on this page. I am using Python 3.8.2 and the latest available version of Aspose.Imaging for Python. Error: Unhandled exception. System.IO.FileLoadExcep… have dotnet-sdk-3.1 installed Download .NET Core 3.1 (Linux...(Linux, macOS, and Windows) .NET Core 3.1 downloads for Linux, macOS...
  3. PDF to JPEG memory leak in Unix environment - A...

    Our team has done comparisons in a Windows based environment vs a Unix environment. Several dozen requests cause the service to run out of memory in the Unix environment, but this does not occur in the Windows based env… AS build-env WORKDIR...DocumentService ./ RUN dotnet restore RUN dotnet publish -c Release...
  4. 如何在 Docker 中运行 Aspose.Cells|Documentation

    在 Linux、Windows 服务器和任何操作系统的 Docker 容器中运行 Aspose.Cells。...NET Core 3.1 SDK,如下所示。 Hello World 申请...在 Visual Studio 中,创建一个 .NET Core 控制台应用程序。 从 NuGet 安装最新的 Aspose...
  5. Aspose.PDF .NET 6 detected as malware when comp...

    Hi, Ready to Run is a feature in .NET Core 3.0 and later where assemblies are precompiled for faster loading (see However, when we compile with Ready…...NET Core 3.0 and later where assemblies... )...
  6. Install issue Aspose PDf .net on Ubuntu 20.04 -...

    The newest Ubuntu version throws the http transport errors...2022, 4:06pm #1 Installed dotnet core sdk and nuget. nuget gives...command. jon@fastspan14:~$ dotnet --info .NET SDK (reflecting...
  7. Using special characters causes PDF library to ...

    When special characters are encountered, such as the ° symbol when running inside a docker container the following error is thrown: app_1 | Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set t…...PDF Product Family net-core , docker TimothyBlue June 19...Running using Docker (Linux). Dotnet core 6 Any help will be appreciated...
  8. Double free memory on Linux - Aspose.Cells Prod...

    Hello Aspose team, I encountered double free memory or corruption when converting multiple Excel files to image (JPEG) on Linux concurrently. It happened randomly so it’s quite hard to reproduce. I also attached the bac…...environment and samples, and core dump attached. $ uname -a Linux...x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux $ dotnet --info .NET SDK (reflecting...
  9. Images missing when converting word to PDF in L...

    Hi Alexey, Thanks for responding. I tried as you suggested but still it’s not working. Could you please find the attached input and output files. Thanks & Regards. Vijay. (Attachment Input.HTML is missing) Output.p… FROM AS build...
  10. Aspose Pdf copy memory stream in docker contain...

    Hello, I try to load a pdf in memory stream and copy to an other memory stream. In mac and windows os execution it’s works but in docker I have an exception : System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to … AS base RUN core 6 [