We have some Word documents (DOC) that our users are uploading that we then convert To a Pdf file To allow for previewing. Users have noticed that some documents do not carry over a signature To the Pdf. Attached is one …...dropping signature when saving to PDF Aspose.Words Product Family words-java...uploading that we then convert to a PDF file to allow for previewing...
Hi Aspose, according To this EU compliance document: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_en/301500_301599/301549/03.02.01_60/en_301549v030201p.Pdf
It is required that Pdf-documents should be WCAG 2.1 compliant. https://do…...Word to PDF with WCAG 2.1 compliance Aspose.Words Product Family...01_60/en_301549v030201p.pdf It is required that PDF-documents should...
Some images are dislocated on page 4 and 5 when converting ToPdf by ASPOSE
See the original attached file:
POP SS-018 - 06 - POP SS-018 - 06.Docx (3.9 MB)...page 4 and 5 when converting to PDF by ASPOSE Aspose.Words Product...page 4 and 5 when converting to PDF by ASPOSE See the original attached...
გადაიყვანეთ Pdf PNG Python ფორმატში კოდით. შეინახეთ Pdf როგორც PNG Python....გადაიყვანეთ PDF PNG Python ში მაღალსიჩქარიანი პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის...უზრუნველყოფის Python ბიბლიოთეკა PDF PNG გამოიყენეთ ჩვენი დოკუმენტის...
გადაიყვანეთ Pdf TIFF Python ფორმატში კოდით. შეინახეთ Pdf როგორც TIFF Python....გადაიყვანეთ PDF TIFF Python ში მაღალსიჩქარიანი პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის...უზრუნველყოფის Python ბიბლიოთეკა PDF TIFF გამოიყენეთ ჩვენი დოკუმენტის...
This file cannot be converted ToPdf/A-1a: FD62223.Pdf (3.6 MB)
Code To reproduce the issue:
using (Aspose.Pdf.Document PdfDocument = new Aspose.Pdf.Document("FD62223.Pdf"))
using (MemoryStream msLogStream = new Me…...convert specific PDF to PDF/A-1a Aspose.PDF Product Family gertjaap...cannot be converted to PDF/A-1a: FD62223.pdf (3.6 MB) Code to reproduce...
There is an OuTofMemoryError while saving memory stream ToDocx format (file having issue is attached).
temp_NTPHousingConstructionJun-JulyTarget_a153fab71a8444f7a5ca92f71c581b0c.Pdf (1.6 MB)
We are using Aspos…...Pdf to Doc Conversion - OutOfMemory Error while saving stream...Aspose.PDF Product Family aspose-pdf-net , pdf-to-docx sumitworksimpli...
Convert PdfToDocx, DOC, PPTX, PNG, TIFF, EPUB, TEX, SVG, CSV & more using JavaScript...searching for a method to transform PDF files into other formats using...server-side JavaScript? Aspose.PDF for Node.js via C++ is the perfect...
E408111397S5_Out1.Pdf (2.7 MB)
Hi Team ,
The while converting document ToPdf , the table containing equation is cropped , i can’t able To view the full equation . i don’t know why it is happening . have attached the s…...While converting doc to pdf , the table containing equation is... 3:55am 1 E408111397S5_Out1.pdf (2.7 MB) Hi Team , The while...
Good day,
when comparing, sometimes it evaluates the change in Pdf arrival sometimes it doesn’t. It changes over time. I am sending 3 versions of the document. The first 01 I always compare it To. Could you advise me wh…...Document with the attachment PDF Aspose.Words Product Family benestom...sometimes it evaluates the change in PDF arrival sometimes it doesn’t...