Export To OOXML format using cusTom markup saving features in C#....Markup Features Supported on DOCX Export Contents [ Hide ] This...Properties Yes DOCX Export - Annotation Features DOCX Export - Document...
Export To OOXML format using cusTom markup saving features in Java....Markup Features Supported on DOCX Export Contents [ Hide ] This...Properties Yes DOCX Export - Annotation Features DOCX Export - Document...
Hi, I tried converting .DocTo .Docx file format using Aspose library in java.
Java Version :8 (JDK : 1.8.0_351)
Aspose jar version: aspose-words-23.1.jar
While setting watermark image(background image),not able To s…...docx files Aspose.Words Product Family...Hi, I tried converting .doc to .docx file format using Aspose...
Hi All,
I am using aspose version 22.10 for the Document ,the paragraph contain text and hyperlink
text modification working as expected but hyperlink modification its not getting modification URL content
below is …...Compare Doc file in C# mvc web application Aspose.Words Product...comparisonModel.filePath, Source1.docx)); comparisonOfEachPara.docres...
We have a requirement To set cusTom header styles so we created cusTom header styles as part of our .dotm template and we set that programmatically using below Open XML code. We first convert a .DocDocument To .Docx and…...docx generated by ASPOSE Aspose.Words...We first convert a .doc document to .docx and then apply our custom...
Export To OOXML format using annotation saving features in C#....Annotation Features Supported on DOCX Export Contents [ Hide ] This...converting to different formats. DOCX Export - Custom Markup Features...
Hi support team,
We use JAVE in RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.0,Aspose is 18.1 (aspose-words-18.1.jar)
This is word report.
A.png (107.5 KB)
This is ODT/ report
B.png (141.7 KB)
this is code sample from website.
C.png …...ASPOSE DOCX to ODT error Aspose.Words Product Family words-java...@accesssoft I saved “QIK160P.docx” to “QIK160P_word.odt” using...
Export To OOXML format using text saving features in C#....Text Features Supported on DOCX Export Contents [ Hide ] This...Expanded/Compressed Yes Vertical Position Yes DOCX Export - Table Features Subscribe...
Hi team,
In my project we are trying To convert the Docx created from OpenXML To PDF using aspose words. After conversion To PDF, the page numbers mentioned in the Footer of the Docx have been overwritten To 1. I have a…...in PDF after converting from Docx using Aspose.Words Aspose.Words...we are trying to convert the Docx created from OpenXML to PDF...