CdrTransforms CdrTransforms class The cdr transforms object public class CdrTransforms : CdrObject Constructors Name ...... Document { get; set; } Gets or sets the document. Parent...Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Objects assembly Aspose.Imaging CdrText CdrUdta...
CdrText CdrText class The cdr text public class CdrText : CdrDictionaryItem Constructors Name Description CdrText () ...... Document { get; set; } Gets or sets the document. Id {...Imaging.FileFormats.Cdr.Objects assembly Aspose.Imaging CdrStyle CdrTransforms...
FontInfo Name property. Gets the name of the font in C#....present in a document. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Embedded...used and unused fonts in the document. for ( int i = 0 ; i < allFonts...
Table LastRow property. Returns the last Row node in the table in C#....tables in a document. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Tables...namespace Aspose.Words.Tables assembly Aspose.Words Table.HorizontalAnchor...
DigitalSignatureDetails constructor. Initializes a new instance of DigitalSignatureDetails class in C#....signing a document. Examples Shows how to sign OOXML document. Document...Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Document.docx" ); CertificateHolder...
Enum represented warning type....following load, or the created document following save. MAJOR_FORMATTING_LOSS...losses compared to the original document. This is for occasions when...
Chart SeriesGroups property. Provides access to a series group collection of this chart in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts assembly Aspose.Words Chart.Series...
Document UpdateWordCount method. Updates word count properties of the Document in C#....word count properties of the document. public void UpdateWordCount...BuiltInDocumentPrope collection of the Document . Note that UpdateWordCount...
Forms2OleControl Height property. Gets or sets a height of the control in points in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "ActiveX...namespace Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole assembly Aspose.Words Forms2OleControl...