MailMerge PreserveUnusedTags property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the unused mustache tags should be preserved in C#....preserveUnusedTags ) { Document doc = CreateSourceDocWithA (); DataTable...MERGEFIELDs and leave them unfilled. doc . MailMerge . PreserveUnusedTags...
LayoutCollector Document property. Gets or sets the Document this collector instance is attached to in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); LayoutCollector...layoutCollector = new LayoutCollector ( doc ); // Call the "GetNumPagesSpanned"...
Aspose.Words.Notes.EndnoteOptions class. Represents the endnote numbering options for a Document or section in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...builder = new DocumentBuilder ( doc ); // An endnote is a way to...
SaveOutputParameters ContentType property. Returns the ContentType string Internet Media Type that identifies the type of the saved Document in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...builder = new DocumentBuilder ( doc ); builder . Writeln ( "Hello...
Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutCollector::GetNumPagesSpanned method. Gets number of pages the specified node spans. 0 if node is within a single page. This is the same as GetEndPageIndex() - GetStartPageIndex() in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...MakeObject < LayoutCollector > ( doc ); // Call the "GetNumPagesSpanned"...
Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutCollector::GetEndPageIndex method. Gets 1-based index of the page where node ends. Returns 0 if node cannot be mapped to a page in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...MakeObject < LayoutCollector > ( doc ); // Call the "GetNumPagesSpanned"...
Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutCollector::GetStartPageIndex method. Gets 1-based index of the page where node begins. Returns 0 if node cannot be mapped to a page in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...MakeObject < LayoutCollector > ( doc ); // Call the "GetNumPagesSpanned"...
ParagraphFormat.space_before property. Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in points) before the paragraph.... doc = aw . Document () builder =...= aw . DocumentBuilder ( doc = doc ) # Apply a large amount of...
Provides methods to insert text, images and other content, specify font, paragraph and section formatting.... auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(); auto...MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); // Specify that we want different...