aspose.words.drawing.TextBox class. Defines attributes that specify how a text is displayed inside a shape... doc = aw . Document () builder =...= aw . DocumentBuilder ( doc ) text_box_shape = builder . insert_shape...
The Aspose.Words.Fonts namespace provides classes and enumerations to access information about fonts used in a Document.... auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir...SharedPtr<FontInfo> embeddedFont = doc->get_FontInfos()->idx_get(u "Alte...
NodeCollection.count property. Gets the number of nodes in the collection.... doc = aw . Document () # Add two...of this document. paragraph = doc . get_child ( aw . NodeType ...
Date field with calendar view....= new DateField(page, rect); doc.getForm().add(dateField); dateField...DateField DateField(Document doc) Constructor which should be...
LayoutCollector GetEntity method. Returns an opaque position of the LayoutEnumerator which corresponds to the specified node. You can use returned value as an argument to Current given the Document being enumerated and the Document of the node are the same in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); LayoutCollector...layoutCollector = new LayoutCollector ( doc ); // Call the "GetNumPagesSpanned"...
DocumentBuilder InsertField method. Inserts a Word field into a Document and optionally updates the field result in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...builder = new DocumentBuilder ( doc ); // Insert two fields while...