Aspose::Words::Layout::LayoutCollector::GetEntity method. Returns an opaque position of the LayoutEnumerator which corresponds to the specified node. You can use returned value as an argument to Current given the Document being enumerated and the Document of the node are the same in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...MakeObject < LayoutCollector > ( doc ); // Call the "GetNumPagesSpanned"...
Represents a start of ranged structured Document tag which accepts multi-sections content. See also StructuredDocumentTagRangeEnd.... auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir...xcept<StructuredDocumentTa>(doc->GetChildNodes( NodeType::StructuredDocumentTa...
Di koda C# gelek PDF di Doc de bike yek. Bi C# PDF wekî Doc tomar bike....Fermanek nûve bikin Alîkarî Docs Çavkanî API Demos Bijî Nimûneyên...PDF nav DOC di C# .NET ya bi leza bilind PDF nav DOC API-a yekkirina...
Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlProperty::get_Name method. Specifies the name of the custom XML attribute or smart tag property in C++.... void Create () { auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...= MakeObject < SmartTag > ( doc ); // Smart tags are composite...
Aspose::Words::Markup::SmartTag::get_Element method. Specifies the name of the smart tag within the Document in C++.... void Create () { auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...= MakeObject < SmartTag > ( doc ); // Smart tags are composite...
Aspose::Words::Markup::SmartTag::get_Properties method. A collection of the smart tag properties in C++.... void Create () { auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...= MakeObject < SmartTag > ( doc ); // Smart tags are composite...
Aspose.Words.Run class. Represents a run of characters with the same font formatting in C#....Document doc = new Document (); Run run = new Run ( doc , "Hello...HighlightColor = Color . Yellow ; doc . FirstSection . Body . FirstParagraph...
Learn how to access Document window and page display properties of a PDF file in PHP using Aspose.PDF.... $doc = new Document ( $dataDir . "input1...print "CenterWindow :- " . $doc -> getCenterWindow () . PHP_EOL...
Represents a Word Document....versions that was stored in the DOC document. More... SharedPtr <...Create a blank document: auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(); //...
Represents a Word Document....versions that was stored in the DOC document. More... SharedPtr <...Create a blank document: auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(); //...