Style.list_format property. Provides access to the list formatting properties of a paragraph style.... doc = aw . Document () builder =...= aw . DocumentBuilder ( doc = doc ) # Create a custom paragraph...
Table.first_row property. Returns the first [Row](../../row/) node in the table.... doc = aw . Document ( MY_DIR + 'Tables...'Tables.docx' ) tables = doc . first_section . body . tables self...
Aspose::Words::Markup::StructuredDocumentTag::get_Style method. Gets or sets the Style of the structured Document tag in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...MakeObject < DocumentBuilder > ( doc ); // Below are two ways to apply...
Aspose::Words::Markup::StructuredDocumentTag::get_StyleName method. Gets or sets the name of the style applied to the structured Document tag in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...MakeObject < DocumentBuilder > ( doc ); // Below are two ways to apply...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldTitle::get_Text method. Gets or sets the text of the title in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...built-in document property. doc -> get_BuiltInDocumentPrope ()...