FieldMergeBarcode AddStartStopChar property. Gets or sets whether to add Start/Stop characters for barcode types NW7 and CODE39 in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...builder = new DocumentBuilder ( doc ); // Insert a MERGEBARCODE field...
Gets or sets a value indicating whether Aspose.Note performs detection of layout changes automatically. Default value is true....Initialize the new Document Document doc = new Document () { AutomaticLayoutChang...= new Aspose . Note . Page ( doc ); // Default style for all text...
FieldMergeBarcode CaseCodeStyle property. Gets or sets the style of a Case Code for barcode type ITF14. The valid values are STDEXTADD in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...builder = new DocumentBuilder ( doc ); // Insert a MERGEBARCODE field...
Story.first_paragraph property. Gets the first paragraph in the story.... doc = aw . Document () run = aw . Run ( doc = doc , text... pydrawing . Color . yellow doc . first_section . body . first_paragraph...
Add an image into a Document easily and fast instead of using VSTO in C#....doc" ); //Add picture to Doc this . Application...jpg" ); Aspose.Words Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
Aspose::Words::CleanupOptions::get_DuplicateStyle method. Gets/sets a flag indicating whether duplicate styles should be removed from Document. Default value is false in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...SharedPtr < Style > myStyle = doc -> get_Styles () -> Add ( StyleType...