TextWatermarkOptions.color property. Gets or sets font color... doc = aw . Document () # Add a plain...plain text watermark. doc . watermark . set_text ( text = 'Aspose...
Aspose::Words::Rendering::ThumbnailGeneratingOptions::get_GenerateFromFirstPage method. Specifies whether to generate thumbnail from first page of the Document or first image in C++.... auto doc = MakeObject < Document > ();...MakeObject < DocumentBuilder > ( doc ); builder -> Writeln ( u "Hello...
TextWatermarkOptions Layout property. Gets or sets layout of the watermark. The default value is Diagonal in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); // Add a plain...plain text watermark. doc . Watermark . SetText ( "Aspose Watermark"...
TextWatermarkOptions IsSemitrasparent property. Gets or sets a boolean value which is responsible for opacity of the watermark. The default value is true in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); // Add a plain...plain text watermark. doc . Watermark . SetText ( "Aspose Watermark"...