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digital signature

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  1. Convert Pdf into PdfA/1A - Aspose.PDF Product F...

    Hello I need to convert a normal PDF document into a PDF A/1A I have tried to do it in the following way but the resulting document gives me problems when incorporating a Digital Signature and then doing a “save as” fr…...when incorporating a digital signature and then doing a “save...from the acrobat reader (the signature indicates that the document...
  2. Aspose::Cells::Workbook::AddDigitalSignature me...

    Aspose::Cells::Workbook::AddDigitalSignature method. Adds Digital Signature to an OOXML spreadsheet file (Excel2007 and later) in C++....ignature method Adds digital signature to an OOXML adding Xmldsig Digital Signature to an OOXML spreadsheet...
  3. DigitalSignature | Aspose.Sildes for Node.js vi...

    DigitalSignature DigitalSignature class Digital Signature in signed file. DigitalSignature Name Description DigitalSi......DigitalSignature class Digital signature in signed file. DigitalSignature...getComments () The purpose of signature. Read/write String. Result:...
  4. PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings class | As...

    aspose.words.saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings class. Contains settings of the Digital Signature timestamp...Contains settings of the digital signature timestamp. To learn more... visit the Work with Digital Signatures documentation article...
  5. Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::DigitalSignat...

    Provides methods for signing document.... Since digital signature works with file content...Shows how to load signatures from a digitally signed document....
  6. DigitalSignature|Aspose.Sildes for Python via ....

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....DigitalSignature class Digital signature in signed file. The DigitalSignature...Description is_valid If this digital signature is valid and the document...
  7. PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings Class | As...

    Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings class. Contains settings of the Digital Signature timestamp in C#....Contains settings of the digital signature timestamp. To learn more... visit the Work with Digital Signatures documentation article...
  8. DigitalSignatureCollection | Aspose.Cells for J...

    Provides a collection of Digital Signatures attached to a document....Provides a collection of digital signatures attached to a document...shows how to validate digital signature. //workbook from a signed...
  9. DigitalSignature - Aspose.Cells for Python via ...

    Details & examples of Aspose.Cells for Python via Java classes, methods & interfaces for you to read, write & convert spreadsheets programmatically....api Class DigitalSignature Signature in file. Property Getters/Setters...setComments (value) The purpose to signature. method getId () method setId...
  10. e-Sign PDF Documents via C++ |

    C++ example code to eSgin PDF documents on C++ Runtime Environment for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit....PDF C++ PDF Signature PNG JPG BMP TIFF PDF eSign...performance PDF document electronic signature using server-side Aspose.PDF...