Represents the single TrueType font file stored in the file system....Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.diagram.FontSourceBase...FontSourceBase public class FileFontSource extends FontSourceBase Represents...
Specifies the type of a font source....Inheritance: java.lang.Object public final class FontSourceType...Parameter Type Description arg0 java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Used to specify style of layout....Inheritance: java.lang.Object public final class LayoutStyle Used...Parameter Type Description arg0 java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Specifies the output format for a drawing....Inheritance: java.lang.Object public final class OutputFormatValue...Parameter Type Description arg0 java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Specifies how the user selects a group shape and its members....] Inheritance: java.lang.Object public class SelectMode Specifies...Parameter Type Description value java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Specifies the type of shadow for a shape....] Inheritance: java.lang.Object public class ShapeShdwShow Specifies...Parameter Type Description value java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Indicates the default shadow type for a page....] Inheritance: java.lang.Object public class ShdwType Indicates...Parameter Type Description value java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Determines the calendar that is used for custom properties text fields and element formulas....Inheritance: java.lang.Object public final class CalendarValue...Parameter Type Description arg0 java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Specifies the horizontal subdivisions on the ruler for the page....Inheritance: java.lang.Object public final class RulerDensityValue...Parameter Type Description arg0 java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...
Specifies various types based on the element in which it is contained....Inheritance: java.lang.Object public final class TypeConnectionValue...Parameter Type Description arg0 java.lang.Object Returns: boolean...