KnotElement DgnBSplineCurveElement.KnotElement property Gets or sets KNOT element public DgnSplineKnotElement KnotEle......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
IsRational DgnBSplineCurveElement.IsRational property Gets a value indicating whether B-spline is rational public boo......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
Vertices DgnLineElement.Vertices property Gets vertices of the line public ReadOnlyCollection < DgnPoint > Vertices {......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
Childs DgnSharedCellDefinitionElement.Childs property Gets childs of the composite element public List < DgnDrawingEl......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...
TextSize DgnMultiTextElement.TextSize property Gets text size in UOR public override SizeF TextSize { get ; } See Als......Dgn.DgnElements assembly Aspose.CAD...