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  1. C# API to Export CGM to FLATOPC | products.aspo...

    Convert CGM to FLATOPC without using Microsoft Word... FlatOpc ); Decrypt CGM File using Owner FLATOPC, if you want to decrypt your document you can do it...
  2. EML to MSG conversion issue while using Aspose ...

    I am generating .msg file from .eml file using below code. (27.3 KB) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Aspose.Email.License licenseEmail = new…...365 OME, so subsequently I decrypt the .msg file using MIP SDK...code) then my MIP code for decryption works without issue. sample20230413_trial...
  3. CreateReadReceipt | Aspose.Email for .NET API R...

    CreateReadReceipt MailMessage.CreateReadReceipt method Creates the read receipt. public MailMessage CreateReadReceipt......Email Clone Decrypt English Русский 简体中文...
  4. SevenZipEntrySettings | Aspose.ZIP for .NET API...

    SevenZipEntrySettings SevenZipEntrySettings constructor Initializes a new instance of the SevenZipEntrySettings class......null if no need to encrypt or decrypt. See Also class SevenZipCompressionS...
  5. Securing and signing PDF in Node.js|Aspose.PDF ...

    This section describes the features of using a signature and securing your PDF document in the Node.js environment....file Encrypt and PDF File Decrypt PDF File Change Password of...
  6. C# API to Export SVG to XAMLFLOW | products.asp...

    Convert SVG to XAMLFLOW without using Microsoft Word... Xamlflow ); Decrypt SVG File using Owner XAMLFLOW, if you want to decrypt your document you can do it...
  7. C# API to Export EPUB to PS |

    Convert EPUB to PS without using Microsoft Word... Ps ); Decrypt EPUB File using Owner Password...EPUB to PS, if you want to decrypt your document you can do it...
  8. C# API to Export EPUB to OTT |

    Convert EPUB to OTT without using Microsoft Word... Ott ); Decrypt EPUB File using Owner Password...EPUB to OTT, if you want to decrypt your document you can do it...
  9. C# API to Export EPUB to WORDML | products.aspo...

    Convert EPUB to WORDML without using Microsoft Word... WordML ); Decrypt EPUB File using Owner WORDML, if you want to decrypt your document you can do it...
  10. C# API to Export CGM to ODT |

    Convert CGM to ODT without using Microsoft Word... Odt ); Decrypt CGM File using Owner Password...CGM to ODT, if you want to decrypt your document you can do it...