Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop....sources com.aspose.psd.xmp com.aspose...external file in the LiFE datasource of the PSD LnkE resource...
Aspose::Words::Settings::MailMergeSettings class. Specifies all of the mail merge information for a document. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....index of the record from the datasource which shall be displayed...Specifies the column within the datasource that contains e-mail addresses...
Hi there,
Is there a way to manipulate the document properties of a LINQ template from within the template itself? I would like to set the document property “author” with a value from the DataSource whilst processing t…...“author” with a value from the datasource whilst processing the template...should be passed as one of datasources passed to LINQ Reporting...
Implement this interface to allow mail merge from a custom DataSource such as a list of objects in Java....mail merge from a custom datasource, such as a list of objects...Master-detail data is also supported. Remarks: When a datasource is created...
Provides access to Data of a CSV file or stream to be used within a report in Java....CsvDataSource Provides access to data of a CSV file or stream to be...article. Remarks: To access data of the corresponding file or...
Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner class. Encapsulates the object that represents a designer spreadsheet...ClearDataSource () Clears all datasources. GetSmartMarkers () Returns...markers and populates the datasource values. Process (bool) Processes...
Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop....sources com.aspose.psd.xmp com.aspose...external file in the LiFE datasource of the PSD LnkE resource...
IMailMergeDataSourceRoot GetDataSource method. The Aspose.Words mail merge engine invokes this method when it encounters a beginning of a toplevel mail merge region in C#.... Return Value A datasource object that will provide...provide access to the data records of the specified table. Remarks When...
IMailMergeDataSource TableName property. Returns the name of the DataSource in C#....Returns the name of the datasource. public string of the datasource. Empty string if the datasource has no name...
add method Contents [ Hide ] add Add a new Timeline using PivotTable as DataSource Returns The new add Timeline inde......Timeline using PivotTable as datasource Returns The new add Timeline...Timeline using PivotTable as datasource sheet . timelines . add (...