Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....a column in the external datasource shall be mapped to the column in the external datasource to a single predefined merge...
This article includes sample code and describes how to copy and move worksheets programmatically both within an Excel workbook and across Excel workbooks using the Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET API....worksheets with common formatting and data. For example, if you work with...workbooks. Worksheet, complete with data, formatting, tables, matrices...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....sources com.aspose.imaging.xmp com...EmfPlusFillRects ( EmfPlusRecord source) Initializes a new instance...
ImageFieldMergingArgs ImageFileName property. Sets the file name of the image that the mail merge engine must insert into the document in C#....that will accept images from a source during a mail merge. Use the...reference // a column in the datasource containing local system filenames...
aspose.words.mailmerging.IMailMergeCallback class. Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications while mail merge is performed....referencing two columns in a datasource. builder . write ( "{{FirstName}}"..."{{LastName}}" ) # Create a datasource that only contains one of...
Java Sample code for creating template based ODT documents. Use it for automated generation of Word ODT files within Java based desktop or web application....XML, JSON and CSV data as a sourcedatasources. You can download...Automation applications for data processing in just a few lines...
InputLocal InputLocal class The input local. The input_local_type element is used to represent inputs that can only r...... Source { get; set; } Gets or sets the source. The source...indicates the location of the datasource. Required attribute. See...
Reading a P6 .xer into Aspose.Tasks, and looking at all the task Data. None of the cost fields have any value other than zero. The original Source when viewed in the Source scheduling system has costs calculated.
stri…...and looking at all the task data. None of the cost fields have... The original source when viewed in the source scheduling system...
Aspose.Cells for .NET API allows you to open/read different formats like XLSX, HTML, CSV, ODS, TSV, SXC, FODS, etc.... Data is stored as a table where each...Excel to export spreadsheet data to CSV. Opening CSV files and...
SpreadsheetOptions SpreadsheetOptions class Represents options which can be used to specify additional spreadsheets b......getRecoverWorkbookFr () If datasource for the chart is an external...setRecoverWorkbookFr (boolean) If datasource for the chart is an external...