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  1. Handling Exceptions using Aspose.Tasks

    The page contains useful scenarios of how Aspose.Tasks for .NET can be applied to handle exceptions while reading Microsoft Project (MPP/XML) files....16 } 17 } view raw Examples-CSharp-Miscellaneous-HandleExceptions...
  2. Render Project to Multipage TIFF

    Learn how to export your project files (MPP/XML/Primavera XML) as multipage TIFF using Aspose.Tasks for .NET....options ); view raw Examples-CSharp-Articles-RenderMultipageTIFF...
  3. Working with Tasks

    Products Aspose.Total Product Solution Aspose.Words Product Solution Aspose.PDF Product Solution Aspose.Cells Product......26 } 27 } view raw Examples-CSharp-Tasks-GetOutlookTaskDetail...
  4. Aspose.3D for .NET 18.7 - July 2018|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android
  5. Update Outline Code Definitions and Values

    Learn how to edit outline code values and their definitions using Aspose.Tasks for .NET.... MPP ); view raw Examples-CSharp-Miscellaneous-UpdateOutlineCodes...
  6. Calculate Task Duration in Different Units

    Learn how to calculate Microsoft Project (MPP/XML) task durations using Aspose.Tasks for .NET....months ); view raw Examples-CSharp-WorkingWithTasks-CalculateTaskDuratio...
  7. index.xml

    2.0 Documentation – Known Issues Recent content in Known Issues on Documentation Hugo -- en https://docs.aspose......GridWeb-CSharp-KnowledgeBase-KnownIssues-HTTPCompression...1.js?file=Examples.GridWeb-CSharp-KnowledgeBase-KnownIssues-HTTPSSSLIssue...
  8. How to Run the Examples|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....CSharp.sln . The project is created...contains input files which CSharp examples used. It is mandatory...
  9. Create Self-extracting Archive in C# | Make Exe...

    Use .NET archive API to create a self-extracting archive using C# from within your .NET applications. Source code to make executable ZIP archives....SFX in Csharp , Create a Self-extracting Archive in CSharp Dotnet...
  10. Edit HTML5 Canvas – С# Examples

    Learn about HTML Canvas and how to work with a document that contains HTML5 Canvas element using Aspose.HTML for .NET API....pdf" ); 19 } view raw Examples-CSharp-AdvancedUsage-HTML5Canvas-...39 } 40 } view raw Examples-CSharp-AdvancedUsage-HTML5Canvas-ManipulateUsingCode...