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  1. is_percent property | Aspose.Cells for Python v...

    is_percent property is_percent property Indicates whether the items is percent. Definition: @property def is_percent ......cells class Top10Filter criteria property is_top property English...
  2. Aspose::Cells::CustomFilterCollection::GetAnd m...

    Aspose::Cells::CustomFilterCollection::GetAnd method. Indicates whether the two Criteria have an "and" relationship in C++....Indicates whether the two criteria have an “and” relationship...
  3. FilterType | Aspose.Tasks for .NET API 参考

    获取过滤器的类型...Tasks Criteria Index 简体中文 English Русский...
  4. HasNoFlags | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    HasNoFlags PersonalStorageQueryBuilder.HasNoFlags method Search messages with the unspecified flags. public query (one searching criteria). See Also class MailQuery...
  5. HasNoFlags | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    HasNoFlags ImapQueryBuilder.HasNoFlags method Search messages with the unspecified flags. public MailQuery query (one searching criteria). See Also class MailQuery...
  6. HasFlags | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    HasFlags ImapQueryBuilder.HasFlags method Search messages with the specified flags. public MailQuery HasFlags ( query (one searching criteria). See Also class MailQuery...
  7. FilterOperation | Aspose.Tasks for .NET API Ref...

    FilterOperation FilterOperation enumeration Specifies how the criterion established with FieldName, FilterComparisonT......and Value relates to other criteria in the filter. public enum...
  8. MutationObserver | Aspose.SVG for .NET API Refe...

    A MutationObserver./mutationobserver object can be used to observe mutations to the tree of Node../aspose.svg.dom/node....any mutations based on the criteria given by options (an object)...any mutations based on the criteria given by options (an object)...
  9. Class AutoFilter | Aspose.Cells for .NET API Re...

    Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter class. Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet...Filters a list with a custom criteria. Custom (int, FilterOperatorType...Filters a list with custom criteria. DynamicFilter (int, DynamicFilterType)...
  10. AutoFilter类 | Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET ...

    AutoFilter类 AutoFilter类 代表指定工作表的自动筛选。 AutoFilter 类型公开了以下成员: 特性 属性 描述 sorter 获取数据排序器。 range 表示指定的自动筛选器适用的范围。 show_filt......remove_filter(field_index, criteria) 删除筛选器列的筛选器。 remove_filter(field_index)...。 add_filter(field_index, criteria) 为过滤列添加过滤器。 add_date_filter(field_index...