Represents options of saving .docx file....whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation...whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation...
Aspose::Cells::Saving::EbookSaveOptions class. Represents the options for saving ebook file in C++....disable Downlevel-revealed conditional comments when exporting file...whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation...
Hi Team.
SampleTemplate.docx (33.1 KB)
I am passing a Json string to the word document and have added some Conditional checks within the document.
[FindingsAndRecommendations?.Any(x => x.ParentSection == “Portfolio Ma…...document and have added some conditional checks within the JSON data and template condition: JSON data contains “PortfolioManagement”...
Learn how to replace fields with text in Java. Replace fields with static data using the Java may need to remove the conditional IF fields from your document...
Aspose.Cells for Python via Java 22.3 Release Notes – the latest enhancements, new features, and fixes....conversion Bug CELLSJAVA-44383 Conditional formatting stopped working...
Aspose.Cells for Java 22.3 Release Notes – the latest enhancements, new features, and fixes....conversion Bug CELLSJAVA-44383 Conditional formatting stopped working...
Aspose.Cells for Java 17.4.0 Release Notes – the latest enhancements, new features, and fixes....CELLSJAVA-42210 Some of DataBar conditional formatting is missing in...