Count Tristrips.Count property Gets or sets the count. The count attribute indicates the number of triangle strip pri......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Primitives Tristrips.Primitives property Gets or sets the primitives. The TRISTRIPS element may have any number of p ......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Primitives Polylist.Primitives property Gets or sets the primitives. The POLYLIST element may have zero or one primit......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Copyright Contributor.Copyright property Gets or sets the copyright. The copyright element contains a string with cop......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Zfar CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic.Zfar property Gets or sets the z far. Contains a floating-point number t......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Znear CameraOpticsTechniqueCommonOrthographic.Znear property Gets or sets the z near. Contains a floating-point numbe......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Primitives Trifans.Primitives property Gets or sets the primitives. The TRIFANS element may have any number of primit......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Technique Extra.Technique property Gets or sets the technique. This element must contain at least one non-common prof......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Ambient TechniqueLambert.Ambient property Gets or sets the ambient. Declares the amount of ambient light reflected fr......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...