Shininess TechniquePhong.Shininess property Gets or sets the shininess. Declares the specular or roughness of the spe......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Shells Brep.Shells property Gets or sets the shells. This element defines all the shells of the BREP structure. publi......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Solids Brep.Solids property Gets or sets the solids. This element defines all the solids of the BREP structure. publi......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Name InstanceEffect.Name property Gets or sets the name. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. ......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
ShellCount Solids.ShellCount property Gets or sets the shell count. Contains a list of integers describing the number......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Vertices Mesh.Vertices property Gets or sets the vertices. The mesh element must contain one vertices element. public......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Asset LibraryEffects.Asset property Gets or sets the asset. The library_effects element may contain an asset element ......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Name LibraryEffects.Name property Gets or sets the name. The name attribute is the text string name of this element. ......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Count FloatArray.Count property Gets or sets the count. The count attribute indicates the number of values in the arr......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...