IndexOfRefraction TechniqueLambert.IndexOfRefraction property Gets or sets the index of refraction. Declares the inde......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Semantic Parameter.Semantic property Gets or sets the semantic. The semantic attribute is the user-defined meaning of......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Specular TechniquePhong.Specular property Gets or sets the specular. Declares the color of light specular reflected f......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
IndexOfRefraction TechniquePhong.IndexOfRefraction property Gets or sets the index of refraction. Declares the index ......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Ambient TechniquePhong.Ambient property Gets or sets the ambient. Declares the amount of ambient light emitted from t......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
Extra ProfileCommon.Extra property Gets or sets the extra. The extra element may appear any number of times. public E......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...
CameraOpticsTechniqueCommon CameraOpticsTechniqueCommon class The camera optics technique common. public class Camera......Collada.FileParser.Elements assembly...