Work with color codes and convert HEX to RGB online or in C#. Try Color Converter for free!...(such as RGB, HEX, HSL, HWB, CMYK, NCOL, LCH, OKLCH, LAB, OKLAB)...spaces, including HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL, LAB, NCOL, XYZ, etc. You...
Work with color codes and convert HSL to HEX in C#. Try Color Converter for free!...(such as RGB, HEX, HSL, HWB, CMYK, NCOL, LCH, OKLCH, LAB, OKLAB)...spaces, including HEX, RGB, CMYK, etc. You simply need to enter...
Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop....Struct< CmykColor > The CMYK color of pixel. Constructor...pixels of CMYKColor type in CMYK format. Returns: The array of...
Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop.... static short CmykCMYK color mode. static short Duotone...Field Values Cmyk public static final short CmykCMYK color mode...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps.... static int Cmyk The CMYK color space. static int...Field Values Cmyk public static final int Cmyk The CMYK color space...
PixelFormat PixelFormat enumeration The pixel data format actual meaning. public enum PixelFormat Values Name Value D...... Cmyk 4 The CMYK color space. Ycck 5 The...
ColorModes ColorModes enumeration Represents the PSD file format color modes. public enum ColorModes : short Values N...... Cmyk 4 CMYK color mode. Multichannel...
Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop....The destination CMYK color profile for CMYK jpeg images. int...destination RGB color profile for CMYK jpeg images. int getSampleRoundingMod...