Inserts a copy of a specified layout Slide to specified position of the collection....copy of a specified layout slide to specified position of the...< ILayoutSlide > Aspose :: Slides :: MasterLayoutSlideCol ::...
Inserts a copy of a specified layout Slide to specified position of the collection....copy of a specified layout slide to specified position of the...of new slide. sourceLayout ILayoutSlide Slide to clone. Return...
MasterSlideCollection MasterSlideCollection class Represents a collection of master Slides. addClone Name Description......Represents a collection of master slides. addClone Name Description...copy of a specified master slide to the end of the collection...
Adds a copy of a specified master Slide to the end of the collection. Linked layout Slides will be copied too....copy of a specified master slide to the end of the collection...collection. Linked layout slides will be copied too. virtual System ::...
addClone addClone( MasterSlide sourceMaster) function Adds a copy of a specified master Slide to the end of the colle......copy of a specified master slide to the end of the collection...collection. Linked layout slides will be copied too. Parameters Name Type...
Manage table rows and columns in PowerPoint presentations in Java...Slides provides the Table class, ITable...load the presentation. Get a slide’s reference through its index...
MasterSlideCollection MasterSlideCollection class Represents a collection of master Slides. addClone Name Description......Represents a collection of master slides. addClone Name Description...copy of a specified master slide to the end of the collection...
addClone addClone( LayoutSlide sourceLayout) method Adds a copy of a specified layout Slide to the end of the collect......copy of a specified layout slide to the end of the collection...sourceLayout LayoutSlide Slide to clone. 1) New layout will be...