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chart to image

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  1. Unable to get source file name of the linked Ex...

    Hello I am trying To find a source file name of a linked Excel Chart in a Word document. But I could not do it using Aspose.Words. The following is the code I am using. ///////// using Aspose.Words Document doc = new…...file name of the linked Excel chart Aspose.Words Product Family...file name of a linked Excel chart in a Word document. But I could...
  2. ODS document chart via C++ |

    C++ example code To draw and convert Chart or diagram in ODS file on C++ Runtime Environment for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit....Cells C++ Chart ODS Chart PNG JPG BMP TIFF ODS ODS...ODS Formats Charts in C++ Native and high performance ODS document...
  3. Remove Vertical Axis from Chart in PowerPoint P...

    Hi support, Do we have any property using which we can disable just the vertical axis line not whole axis. Like this Image.png (4.6 KB) If I use the disable vertical axis property it removes whole axis with values. i…...Remove Vertical Axis from Chart in PowerPoint Presentation in...Slides Product Family slides-chart , slides-nodejs karanmarsh December...
  4. Java Error Occurs while Creating a Chart Using ...

    Hi Support, I’m getting this error while creating Chart. sld = presentation.getSlides().get_Item(4); for (let i = 0; i < sld.getShapes().size(); i++) { const shape = sld.getShapes().get_Item(i); console.log('s…...Error Occurs while Creating a Chart Using Aspose.Slides for Node...Slides Product Family slides-chart , slides-nodejs karanmarsh December...
  5. Chart lines in output are misaligned - Free Sup...

    Dear Aspose, we have a discrepancy in position of our vertical lines in output SVG (and X axis values displayed). Bug478581.MissalignedChartLines-Difference.png (76.3 KB) Providing application which performs this issu…...Chart lines in output are misaligned Aspose.Cells Product Family...(discrepancy highlighted in attached image). Bug478581_ChartLinesInOutputAr...
  6. Chart ToImage - legend text sometimes is messed...

    I have an Excel file with Chart, generated with Aspose.Cells. Then I get the Chart and convert it To an Image: byte[] excelFile.... using var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(excelFile); using Workbook excelWorkbook = …...Chart ToImage - legend text sometimes is messed up Aspose.Cells...#1 I have an Excel file with chart, generated with Aspose.Cells...
  7. Chart shapes shifted - Aspose.Cells Product Fam...

    Hi! I’ve created Chart in excel and put a couple of oval shapes in it. When I render Chart using latest version of Aspose cells (21.7), oval shapes are shifted and they are not in the same position in Chart like in excel…...Chart shapes shifted Aspose.Cells Product Family chart-to-image...chart-to-image , net-core , charts , cells-net , excel-to-svg ottap September...
  8. Set Value Label with Formatting on Clustered Co...

    Hi team, I want To display value label on clustered column Chart with decimal point fixed and % sign. Can you please assist us . I’m using aspose slides java with nodejs version. Image.png (1.5 KB)...Formatting on Clustered Column Chart in Node.js Aspose.Slides Product...Product Family slides-chart , slides-nodejs karanmarsh May 16,...
  9. Pie chart not rendering correctly - Aspose.Cell...

    I am evaluating Excel To Image functionality and having some issues with the way Pie Charts render. Attached is a resulting Image as well as the original excel. sample4.png (36.9 KB) sample4_excel.7z (12.8 KB) The cod…...Pie chart not rendering correctly Aspose.Cells Product Family...Family sheet-to-image , pie-chart RadAway August 14, 2021, 5:17am...
  10. Chart Data Returning NaN when Having #REF Error...

    Aspose Slides 23.1.0 When a Chart has a value with error #REF outside it’s data, the whole table returns NaN values. Here’s how that Chart data looks in powerpoint: Chartdata.png (10.2 KB) Here’s an Image how it look…...Chart Data Returning NaN when Having #REF Error Outside Value...Family slides-net , slides-chart publishinteractive February...