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chart report

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  1. XLS document chart via Java |

    Java sample code to draw and convert Chart or diagram in XLS file on Java Runtime Environment for JSP/JSF Application and Desktop Applications....Cells Java Chart XLS Chart PNG JPG BMP TIFF XLS XLS...XLS Formats Charts in Java Native and high performance XLS document...
  2. XLSM document chart via Java |

    Java sample code to draw and convert Chart or diagram in XLSM file on Java Runtime Environment for JSP/JSF Application and Desktop Applications....Cells Java Chart XLSM Chart PNG JPG BMP TIFF XLSM...XLSM XLSM Formats Charts in Java Native and high performance XLSM...
  3. XLSX document chart via Java |

    Java sample code to draw and convert Chart or diagram in XLSX file on Java Runtime Environment for JSP/JSF Application and Desktop Applications....Cells Java Chart XLSX Chart PNG JPG BMP TIFF XLSX...XLSX XLSX Formats Charts in Java Native and high performance XLSX...
  4. ODS document chart via Java |

    Java sample code to draw and convert Chart or diagram in ODS file on Java Runtime Environment for JSP/JSF Application and Desktop Applications....Cells Java Chart ODS Chart PNG JPG BMP TIFF ODS ODS...ODS Formats Charts in Java Native and high performance ODS document...
  5. ODS document chart via C++ |

    C++ example code to draw and convert Chart or diagram in ODS file on C++ Runtime Environment for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit....Cells C++ Chart ODS Chart PNG JPG BMP TIFF ODS ODS...ODS Formats Charts in C++ Native and high performance ODS document...
  6. Generate Reports in DOC Files via .NET | produc...

    C# sample code to generate Microsoft Word DOC format Reports using server side .NET API....HTML JPG PDF XML DOC DOC Bulk Report Generation in DOC Format via...via C# Generate reports in DOC format using data source & a template...
  7. I want my Bar Chart Data Lables to be rendered ...

    I want my Bar Chart Data Lables to be rendered in pdf at exact location as my word template but in generated pdf data lables are not coming on exact location as in template. Please find the attached template docx.BarCha…...I want my Bar Chart Data Lables to be rendered in pdf at exact...2023, 9:10am #1 I want my Bar Chart Data Lables to be rendered in...
  8. Empty Values are Considered as Zeros when Creat...

    Hi @andrey.potapov, Thanks for the response. Created a LINE Chart using the example code, Aspose generated Chart is not matching with the manually created one when empty values are present. If we have a zero value, th…...when Creating PowerPoint Line Chart in Java Aspose.Slides Product...Family slides-java , slides-chart SrideviG August 17, 2023, 10:57am...
  9. Chart Data Labels Are Converted to Callouts whi...

    Hi Aspose Team, I am using Aspose Slides for .NET version 22.11.0. I am trying to export pptx into responsive Html. While doing this my Chart Data labels are converted to Callouts. Note: Please have a look on the yell…...Chart Data Labels Are Converted to Callouts while Exporting PPTX...Family slides-net , slides-chart , slides-htmlexport rkumarpa...
  10. More issues converting a Word Document containi...

    We’ve got an issue with Aspose.Words 22.5 failing to correctly render a specific document to pdf. We’ve also replicated the issue using v22.8. Code duplicating the issue is as follows… static void Main(string[] arg…...containing a chart to a PDF Aspose.Words Product Family charts support-1...PDF the data points in the chart are not visible. We logged a...