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case sensitive

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  1. Aspose.word for python via .Net - Free Support ...

    Hi Team, we are using aspose.words for our application to extract content from word documents. while reading a single document with 60 pages whole application hangs and there are no exceptions or logs getting generated.…... since it’s sensitive data, sharing file will not...problem. Can you replace the sensitive information and attach the...
  2. Turkish text was not found in PDF with TextAbso...

    When I used the TextAbsorber for the text “Şikayet Edilen : Adı Soyadı – T.C. Kimlik numarası – Adres ve telefon bilgileri” without specifying a rectangle it could not find it in my PDF. Why it does not find it? Do I n…...attach the PDF since its sensitive data I cannot make public...sample file and testing the case. We will be sharing our feedback...
  3. MapiMessageItemBase - Aspose.Email for Java - A...

    Contains documentation for all the methods & classes required to create applications using Aspose.Email for Java....and raised exception in this case. void close () protected MapiNamedProperty...getMessageClass () Gets a case-sensitive string that identifies...
  4. MailMerge.Execute | Aspose.Words for .NET

    MailMerge Execute method. Performs a mail merge from a custom data source in C#.... Field names are not case sensitive. If a field name that is...fields. Field names are not case sensitive. If a field name that is...
  5. Working with Messages from Server|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....its sequence number, in this case, number 1. The saveMessage method...also shows how to apply case-sensitive filtering. Filtering Messages...
  6. Aspose::Words::MailMerging::IMailMergeDataSourc...

    Aspose::Words::MailMerging::IMailMergeDataSource::get_TableName method. Returns the name of the data source in C++....merge region name is not case sensitive. Examples Shows how to...
  7. MappedDataFieldCollection.ContainsKey | Aspose....

    MappedDataFieldCollection ContainsKey method. Determines whether a mapping from the specified field in the document exists in the collection in C#....documentFieldName String Case-sensitive name of the mail merge...
  8. Search and replace text in XLS document via C++...

    C++ example code to redact Sensitive information in XLS file on C++ Runtime Environment for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit and Linux 64 bit....performance XLS document sensitive redaction information using...Define Replace Options. Set case sensitivity option. Set text matching...
  9. Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlPartCollection:...

    Aspose::Words::Markup::CustomXmlPartCollection::GetById method. Finds and returns a custom XML part by its identifier in const System::String& Case-sensitive string that identifies...
  10. ImportFormatMode | Aspose.Words for Java

    Specifies how formatting is merged when importing content from another document in Java....styles are matched using case-sensitive style name. If a matching...destination document. In this case formatting of such style will...