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case insensitive

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  1. Case Insensitive PDF Text replace - Free Suppor...

    Hello I am using aspose.PDF for Python via .NET and i want to replace a desired text from a pdf with a new one, my code is working but when i give the text “a” it changes only the lowerCase a in the pdf. I tried using …...Case Insensitive PDF Text replace Aspose.PDF Product Family aspose-pdf-python...11:33pm #2 @aggemero In such case, you need to use Regular Expression...
  2. ReportingEngine with JsonDataSource case sensit...

    Hi everyone, When I use the JsonDataSource with the Reporting engine, first level properties are not Case sensitive but nested array or Object property name are Case sensitive. Is it normal? Is there a way to ignore ca…...ReportingEngine with JsonDataSource case sensitivity Aspose.Words Product...first level properties are not case sensitive but nested array or...
  3. IF condition value is case sensitive post aspos...

    ‘IF’ condition value ‘True’ and ‘TRUE’ is working fine in aspose word java 15.11 jar. While upgrade the jar 22.12 then faced following issue TRUE’ is not working when used inside the ‘IF’ condition in the template doc…...IF condition value is case sensitive post aspose word 15.11 jar...value is not case sensitive in 15.11 Jar. Now it is case sensitive...
  4. Comparing text in images|Documentation

    How to compare texts on two images....regardless of the font, text size, case, styles, and colors. To simply...You can perform case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison. Set...
  5. Aspose::Cells::Properties::DocumentPropertyColl...

    Aspose::Cells::Properties::DocumentPropertyCollection::Remove method. Removes a property with the specified name from the collection in const U16String& The case-insensitive name of the const char16_t* The case-insensitive name of the property....
  6. Aspose::Cells::Properties::DocumentPropertyColl...

    Aspose::Cells::Properties::DocumentPropertyCollection::IndexOf method. Gets the index of a property by name in const U16String& The case-insensitive name of the const char16_t* The case-insensitive name of the property....
  7. Aspose::Cells::FileFormatUtil::ExtensionToSaveF...

    Aspose::Cells::FileFormatUtil::ExtensionToSaveFormat method. Converts a file name extension into a SaveFormat value in C++.... Case-insensitive. ReturnValue Remarks If...without a leading dot. Case-insensitive. ReturnValue Remarks If...
  8. Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::SetName method | Aspo...

    Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::SetName method. Gets or sets the name of the worksheet in C++....cannot assign same name(case insensitive) to two worksheets. For...cannot assign same name(case insensitive) to two worksheets. For...
  9. FieldMergeBarcode.pos_code_style property | Asp...

    FieldMergeBarcode.pos_code_style property. Gets or sets the style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types UPCA|UPCE|EAN13|EAN8)...valid values (case insensitive) are [STD|SUP2|SUP5|CASE]. See Also...
  10. BarcodeParameters.pos_code_style property | Asp...

    BarcodeParameters.pos_code_style property. Style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types UPCA|UPCE|EAN13|EAN8)...valid values (case insensitive) are [STD|SUP2|SUP5|CASE]. See Also...