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  1. AiHeader - Aspose.PSD for Java - API Reference

    Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop....() Gets or sets the bounding box. String getColorUsage () Gets...() Gets or sets the template box. RectangleF getTileBox () Gets...
  2. FormFieldFacade | Aspose.PDF for Java API Refer...

    Class for representing field properties.... CHECK_BOX_STYLE_CIRCLE Defines a circle check box style. C...CHECK_BOX_STYLE_CHECK Defines the shape of a check box field when...
  3. Crop PDF Pages programmatically Python|Aspose.P...

    You may get page properties, such as the width, height, bleed-, crop- and trimBox using Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET.... media_box : The media box is the largest page box. It corresponds...PDF. In other words, the media box determines the physical size...
  4. Aspose.Slides for CPP 18.4 Release Notes|Aspose...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....SLIDESNET-39760 Support for Box and Whisker chart Feature SLIDESNET-39941..."A1" , System :: ObjectExt :: Box < System :: String > ( u "Category...
  5. set_NoBreak() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API Refer...

    No break This property specifies the "unbreakable" property on the object Box. When true, no line breaks can occur within the Box. This can be important for operator emulators that consist of more than one binary operator. When this element is not specified, breaks can occur inside Box. Default: true..."unbreakable" property on the object box. When true, no line breaks can...can occur within the box. This can be important for operator emulators...
  6. MathBoxFactory | Aspose.Slides for Java API Ref...

    Allows to create a math Box...IMathBoxFactory Allows to create a math box For COM comparibility Constructors...ment element) Create a math box by applying to the element MathBoxFactory()...
  7. IMathBoxFactory | Aspose.Slides for Android via...

    Allows to create a math Box...IMathBoxFactory Allows to create a math box For COM comparibility Methods...ment element) Create a math box by applying to the element c...
  8. FloatingBox | Aspose.PDF for Java API Reference

    Represents a FloatingBox in a Pdf document....indicates the width of the floating box. setWidth(double value) Sets...indicates the width of the floating box. getHeight() Gets a float value...
  9. bootstrap.min.css

    /*! * Bootstrap v4.0.0 ( * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors * Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT (}*,::after,::before{box-sizing:border-box}html{font-family:sa...ine:0!important}hr{box-sizing:content-box;height:0;overflow:visible}h1...
  10. get_NoBreak() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API Refer...

    No break This property specifies the "unbreakable" property on the object Box. When true, no line breaks can occur within the Box. This can be important for operator emulators that consist of more than one binary operator. When this element is not specified, breaks can occur inside Box. Default: true..."unbreakable" property on the object box. When true, no line breaks can...can occur within the box. This can be important for operator emulators...