Encapsulates a collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified Series....getShowSeriesName() Returns or sets a Boolean to indicate the series name...notifyAll() setAutoScaleFont(boolean value) True if the text in...
Detailed explanation of each class & method of Aspose.Slides for Android via Java library. Integrate presentation processing features in your own apps....Type Method and Description boolean getAspectRatioLocked () Determines...aspect ratio on resizing. boolean getGroupingLocked () Determines...
Java API to typeset TeX files from within Java based applications....Type Method and Description boolean rasterizeFormulas () Gets the...formulas. void rasterizeFormulas (boolean value) Sets the flag that allows...
ChartTypeCharacterizer ChartTypeCharacterizer class Helper for getting additional information about charts and series...... Returns: boolean is2DChart Name Description...of 2D chart types. Returns: boolean is3DChart Name Description...
All Classes Packages com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.bmp com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.common com.aspose.cad.jasperreport...... boolean getCompress () Gets a value...file format is compressed. boolean getTextAsShapes () Gets or...
All Classes Packages com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.bmp com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.common com.aspose.cad.jasperreport...... boolean getCompress () Gets a value...file format is compressed. boolean getTextAsShapes () Gets or...
Java OMR library to recognize optical marks from scanned images and photos....height, int top, int left, boolean isValid) Adds bubble inside...collection double getBubbleWidth () boolean getMultipleSelection () Gets...
Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform.... static boolean isEnabledMultiPageIm () Get...EnabledMultiPageImag field static boolean isOptimizedMemoryStr () Is...