Save options for export to Xps format... setSaveTransparentTe(boolean value) Indicates whether to...option. setUseNewImagingEngi(boolean value) Gets or sets UseNewImagingEngine...
Developer's guide to manipulate & convert PUB files to PDF from any Java based application....() Underline type for text boolean isAllCapsMode () Is all caps...mode enabled boolean isBold () Is text bold boolean isEmboss ()...
Specifies the properties for a web query source....notifyAll() setBackgroundRefresh(boolean value) Indicates whether the...connection setConsecutive(boolean value) Flag indicating whether...
Determines which operations are disabled on the parent AutoshapeEx.... Read/write Boolean. ArrowheadsLocked { get; set;...arrowheads is forbidden. Read/write Boolean. AspectRatioLocked { get; set;...
TextHighlightingOptions TextHighlightingOptions class Represents options which can be used to highlight text in text ...... Read/write boolean. Returns: boolean getWholeWordsOnly...otherwise. Read/write boolean. Returns: boolean setCaseSensitive Name...
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format.... setShowHiddenSlides(boolean value) Specifies whether the...images. setSaveMetafilesAsPn(boolean value) True to convert all...
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format.... setShowHiddenSlides(boolean value) Specifies whether the...images. setSaveMetafilesAsPn(boolean value) True to convert all...
VideoFrame VideoFrame class Represents a video clip on a slide. getEmbeddedVideo Name Description getEmbeddedVideo ()...... Read/write boolean. Returns: boolean getHideAtShowing Name...hidden. Read/write boolean. Returns: boolean getLinkPathLong Name...