Represents all export table options.... setCheckMixedValueTy(boolean value) False, Aspose.Cells...performance. setExportAsHtmlStrin(boolean value) Exports the html string...
Table Table class Represents a table on a slide. getColumns Name Description getColumns () Returns the collectoin of ...... Read/write boolean. Result: boolean getFirstRow Name Description...formatting. Read/write boolean. Result: boolean getHorizontalBanding...
Represents an options set for saving.... setEmbedImages(boolean value) Returns or sets images...option. setAnimateTransition(boolean value) Returns or sets transitions...
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format.... setSaveMetafilesAsPn(boolean value) True to convert all...slide. setDrawSlidesFrame(boolean value) True to draw black frame...
Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in XPS format.... setSaveMetafilesAsPn(boolean value) True to convert all...slide. setDrawSlidesFrame(boolean value) True to draw black frame...
Represent the replace options....notifyAll() setCaseSensitive(boolean value) Indicates if the searched...text. setMatchEntireCellCo(boolean value) Indicates whether to...
Class which describes document optimization algorithm.... setLinkDuplcateStrea(boolean value) If this flag is set...pages. setAllowReusePageCon(boolean value) If true page contents...
SVGOptions SVGOptions class Represents an SVG options. SVGOptions Name Description SVGOptions() Initializes a new ins......getDeletePicturesCro () A boolean flag indicates if the a larger file) Returns: boolean getDisable3DText Name Description...