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bookmark insertion

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  1. 使用 Python 制作 Markdown

    通过几个步骤在 Python 中创建一个新的 Markdown。使用 Python via .NET 库轻松创建 Markdown。...start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") builder.write("Proin...sed.") builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") doc.Save("Output...
  2. Make PDF Using C++

    Make a new PDF in C++ in a few steps. Easily create PDF using C++ library....code Insert Text Insert Comments Insert Bookmark Insert Chart...builder->StartBookmark(u"Aspose bookmark"); // If NextSibling is null...
  3. FieldPageRef.insert_relative_position property ...

    FieldPageRef.insert_relative_position property. Gets or sets whether to insert a relative position of the Bookmarked paragraph....insert_relative_position property FieldPageRef.insert_relative_position...whether to insert a relative position of the bookmarked paragraph...
  4. FieldPageRef.insert_hyperlink property | Aspose...

    FieldPageRef.insert_hyperlink property. Gets or sets whether to insert a hyperlink to the Bookmarked paragraph....insert_hyperlink property FieldPageRef.insert_hyperlink property...sets whether to insert a hyperlink to the bookmarked paragraph. Examples...
  5. FieldXE.page_range_bookmark_name property | Asp...

    FieldXE.page_range_Bookmark_name property. Gets or sets the name of the Bookmark that marks a range of pages that is inserted as the entry's page number....page_range_bookmark_name property FieldXE.page_range_bookmark_name...the bookmark that marks a range of pages that is inserted as the...
  6. RevisionOptions - Aspose.Words for Java - API R...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....BasicTextShaperCache Body Bookmark BookmarkCollection DocumentBuilder(doc); // Insert a revision, then change the...
  7. PdfBookmarkEntry class | Aspose.Cells for Pytho...

    PdfBookmarkEntry class PdfBookmarkEntry class PdfBookmarkEntry is an entry in pdf Bookmark. if Text property of curre......PdfBookmarkEntry is an entry in pdf bookmark. if Text property of current...hidden and children will be inserted on current level. The PdfBookmarkEntry...
  8. FieldGoToButton.Location | Aspose.Words for .NET

    FieldGoToButton Location property. Gets or sets the name of a Bookmark a page number or some other item to jump to in C#....Gets or sets the name of a bookmark, a page number, or some other...; set ; } Examples Shows to insert a GOTOBUTTON field. Document...
  9. 使用 Python 製作 PDF

    通過幾個步驟在 Python 中創建一個新的 PDF。使用 Python via .NET 庫輕鬆創建 PDF。...start_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") # 如果 NextSibling...parent_paragraph) builder.end_bookmark("Aspose bookmark") doc.Save("Output...
  10. Make A Document In C++

    Create a file using C++ library. Easily create a new document in C++ in a few steps....code Insert Text Insert Comments Insert Bookmark Insert Chart...builder->StartBookmark(u"Aspose bookmark"); // If NextSibling is null...