Use the document builder to modify a document easily in C++.... Moving to a BookmarkBookmarks are used frequently inserted. To move to a bookmark, use DocumentBuilder.MoveToBookmark...
How to add a hyperlink into your document using Aspose.Words for C++....destination (URL or a name of a bookmark inside the document) Boolean...if the URL is a name of a bookmark inside the document The InsertHyperlink...
Aspose::Words::NodeImporter class. Allows to efficiently perform repeated import of nodes from one document to another. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....contents of one document to a bookmark in another document. void...docx" ); SharedPtr < Bookmark > bookmark = doc -> get_Range ()...
BookmarksOutlineLevel PdfCoreOptions.BookmarksOutlineLevel property Specifies at which level in the document outline ......document outline to display bookmark objects. 0 - not displayed...
NodeImporter constructor. Initializes a new instance of the NodeImporter class in C#....contents of one document to a bookmark in another document. public...docx" ); Bookmarkbookmark = doc . Range . Bookmarks [ "InsertionPoint"...
IInteractiveDevice IInteractiveDevice interface The interface defining interactive features processing methods. publi......(string, PointF) Adds the bookmark identified by the name. See...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....document outline to display bookmark objects. int getCompression...document outline to display bookmark objects. void setCompression...
Add, replace, or modify a hyperlink in a document using Python....destination (URL or a name of a bookmark inside the document) Boolean...if the URL is a name of a bookmark inside a document The InsertHyperlink...
Aspose.Words.NodeImporter class. Allows to efficiently perform repeated import of nodes from one document to another in C#....contents of one document to a bookmark in another document. public...docx" ); Bookmarkbookmark = doc . Range . Bookmarks [ "InsertionPoint"...