BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.add method. Adds a Bookmark to the collection....add(name, outline_level) Adds a bookmark to the collection. def set outline levels for bookmarks. doc = aw . Document () builder...
BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection IndexOfKey method. Returns the zerobased index of the specified Bookmark in the collection in index of the specified bookmark in the collection. name of the bookmark. Return Value The zero based...
BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection Count property. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection in set outline levels for bookmarks. Document doc = new Document...); // Insert a bookmark with another bookmark nested inside it...
OutlineOptions BookmarksOutlineLevels property. Allows to specify individual Bookmarks outline level in C#....Allows to specify individual bookmarks outline level. public BookmarksOutlineLeve...BookmarksOutlineLeve { get ; } Remarks If bookmark level is not specified in...
BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.remove_at method. Removes a Bookmark at the specified index....remove_at(index) Removes a bookmark at the specified index. set outline levels for bookmarks. doc = aw . Document () builder...
BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.index_of_key method. Returns the zero-based index of the specified Bookmark in the index of the specified bookmark in the collection. def set outline levels for bookmarks. doc = aw . Document () builder...
Aspose::Words::Saving::BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection::IndexOfKey method. Returns the zero-based index of the specified Bookmark in the collection in index of the specified bookmark in the collection. name of the bookmark. ReturnValue The zero based...
Aspose::Words::Saving::BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection::Add method. Adds a Bookmark to the collection in C++....BookmarksOutlineLeve::Add method Adds a bookmark to the collection. void name of the bookmark to add. outlineLevel int32_t...
Bookmark Name property. Gets or sets the name of the Bookmark in C#....Name Contents [ Hide ] Bookmark.Name property Gets or sets the...the name of the bookmark. public string Name { get ; set ; } Remarks...
aspose.words.saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection class. A collection of individual Bookmarks outline level...collection of individual bookmarks outline level. To learn more...more, visit the Working with Bookmarks documentation article. Key...