aspose.words.fields.FieldXE class. Implements the XE field...page_range_bookmark_name Gets or sets the name of the bookmark that...are within the bounds # of a bookmark named "MainBookmark", and...
FieldToa PageNumberListSeparator property. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate two page numbers in a page number list in C#....filter TA fields by naming a bookmark that they will need to be...since it is outside // the bookmark's bounds that the TOA's BookmarkName...
FieldTA EntryCategory property. Gets or sets the integral entry category which is a number that corresponds to the order of categories in C#....filter TA fields by naming a bookmark that they will need to be...since it is outside // the bookmark's bounds that the TOA's BookmarkName...
This section describes the features of work with links, actions and Bookmarks.... Bookmarks - large publications usually...usually include a framework of bookmarks that can be easily viewed...
Aspose::Words::NodeImporter::ImportNode method. Imports a node from one document into another in C++....contents of one document to a bookmark in another document. void...docx" ); SharedPtr < Bookmark > bookmark = doc -> get_Range ()...
Returns the URI of the page that linked to this page. The value is an empty string if the user navigated to the page directly not through a link but for example via a, but, for example, via a bookmark). public string Referrer {...
Aspose::Cells::Rendering::PdfBookmarkEntry::SetDestination method. The cell to which the Bookmark link in C++....method The cell to which the bookmark link. void Aspose :: Cells...
My Code like this:
if ((goToAction.URI).Contains(“DeviationAudittrailPdf/ExeDeviationAuditDetailsPDF.aspx?DeviationID=”))
//a.URI = a.URI.Replace(“DeviationAudittrailPdf/ExeDeviationAuditDetailsPDF.aspx?DeviationID=…...@Karthimani Is this URL assigned to bookmark or any annotation? Can you...