Abstract class for all devices which is used to process the whole pdf Document....used to process the whole pdf document. public abstract class DocumentDevice...Process (Document, Stream) Processes the whole document and saves...
BuiltInDocumentProperties Words property. Represents an estimate of the number of words in the Document in C#....the number of words in the document. public int Words { get ;...labels in a document. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
BuiltInDocumentProperties ContentType property. Gets or sets the content type of the Document in C#....sets the content type of the document. public string ContentType...Examples Shows how to work with document properties in the “Content”...
Start to visit the Documentaspose.note/Document node....method Start to visit the Document node. public virtual void...VisitDocumentStart ( Documentdocument ) Parameter Type Description...
End to visit the Documentaspose.note/Document node....VisitDocumentEnd method End to visit the Document node. public virtual void...void VisitDocumentEnd ( Documentdocument ) Parameter Type Description...
Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil class. Provides methods for signing Document in C#....Provides methods for signing document. To learn more, visit the...with Digital Signatures documentation article. public static class...
PdfEncryptionDetails UserPassword property. Specifies the user password required for opening the encrypted PDF Document in C#....opening the encrypted PDF document. public string UserPassword...required to open an encrypted PDF document for viewing. The permissions...
DocumentBuilder CurrentStructuredDocumentTag property. Gets the structured Document tag that is currently selected in this DocumentBuilder in C#....property Gets the structured document tag that is currently selected...structured document tag. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir +...
Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions class. Provides various options that control how a Document is shown in Microsoft Word in C#....options that control how a document is shown in Microsoft Word...Appearance of Word Documentsdocumentation article. public class...
Section constructor. Initializes a new instance of the Section class in C#....doc DocumentBase The owner document. Remarks When the section...specified document, but is not yet part of the document and ParentNode...