ChartSeriesGroup FirstSliceAngle property. Gets or sets the angle in degrees of the first slice of the parent pie chart in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts assembly Aspose.Words ChartSeriesGroup...
CompatibilityOptions UICompat97To2003 property. True to disable UI functionality which is not compatible with Word972003. Default value is false in C#....xml’ document package part. Default value...Shows how to optimize the document for different versions of...
Node NextPreOrder method. Gets next node according to the preorder tree traversal algorithm in C#....Shows how to traverse the document’s node tree using the pre-order...shape with an image. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Images...
Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGoToButton class. Implements the GOTOBUTTON field in C#....the Working with Fields documentation article. public class FieldGoToButton...“button” that appears in the document, such that it can be selected...
BarcodeParameters PosCodeStyle property. Style of a Point of Sale barcode barcode types UPCAUPCEEAN13EAN8. The valid values case insensitive are STDSUP2SUP5CASE in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...then insert them into the document as images. doc . FieldOptions...
Gets or sets the format of the line header. For bulleted lists represents a bullet symbol....// Load the document into Aspose.Note. Document oneFile = Document ( dataDir + "" ); // Retrieve...
Export online content into Word Processing or PDF Document using Aspose.Words Kentico Content Exporter Module in C#....NET Word Processing and PDF Document Exporter for Kentico allow...into Word Processing or PDF document using Aspose.Words . It adds...
FieldDate UseLastFormat property. Gets or sets whether to use a format last used by the hosting application when inserting a new DATE field in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...If we want the text in the document always to display the correct...
FieldDate UseSakaEraCalendar property. Gets or sets whether to use the Saka Era calendar in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...If we want the text in the document always to display the correct...