ThemeColors Accent1 property. Specifies color Accent 1 in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Theme...object gives us access to the document theme, a source of default...
ThemeColors Accent5 property. Specifies color Accent 5 in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Theme...object gives us access to the document theme, a source of default...
ThemeColors FollowedHyperlink property. Specifies color for a clicked hyperlink in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Theme...object gives us access to the document theme, a source of default...
BarcodeParameters CaseCodeStyle property. Style of a Case Code for barcode type ITF14. The valid values are STDEXTADD in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...then insert them into the document as images. doc . FieldOptions...
BarcodeParameters ScalingFactor property. Scaling factor for the symbol. The value is in whole percentage points and the valid values are 10 1000 in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...then insert them into the document as images. doc . FieldOptions...
Specifies format in which Document is saved....Specifies format in which document is saved. public enum SVGSaveFormat...Name Value Description SVG 0 Document will be saved as SVG. See...
Represents the file format of the output Document....file format of the output document. public enum DocumentFormat...Description DOCX 1 The XML-based document format. See Also namespace...
PageSetup LineNumberDistanceFromText property. Gets or sets distance between the right edge of line numbers and the left edge of the Document in C#....numbers and the left edge of the document. public double LineNumberDistanceFr...line numbers and text of the document. Examples Shows how to enable...
Field Unlink method. Performs the field unlink in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Linked...namespace Aspose.Words.Fields assembly Aspose.Words Field.Remove...
BaseWebExtensionCollection Add method. Adds specified item to the collection in C#....extension to a document. Document doc = new Document (); // Create...which will be used by the document, // then set its default location...