DocumentVisitor VisitDocumentEnd method. Called when enumeration of the Document has finished in C#....Called when enumeration of the document has finished. public virtual...VisitDocumentEnd ( Document doc ) Parameter Type Description doc Document The...
BuiltInDocumentProperties RevisionNumber property. Gets or sets the Document revision number in Gets or sets the document revision number. public int...with REVNUM fields. Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...
Document JoinRunsWithSameFormatting method. Joins runs with same formatting in all paragraphs of the Document in C#....JoinRunsWithSameForm Contents [ Hide ] Document.JoinRunsWithSameForm method...formatting in all paragraphs of the document. public int JoinRunsWithSameForm...
Styles RichText.Styles property Gets the styles. public IList < TextStyle > Styles { get ; } Examples Shows how to ch......Load the document into Aspose.Note. Documentdocument = new Document...RichText node RichText richText = document . GetChildNodes < RichText...
DocumentBuilder InsertDocumentInline method. Inserts a Document inline at the cursor position in C#....InsertDocumentInline method Inserts a document inline at the cursor position...Node InsertDocumentInline ( Document srcDoc , ImportFormatMode...
Document FirstSection property. Gets the first section in the Document in C#....FirstSection Contents [ Hide ] Document.FirstSection property Gets...Gets the first section in the document. public Section FirstSection...
Aspose.Words.LowCode.Watermarker class. Provides methods intended to insert watermarks into the Documents in C#....insert watermarks into the documents. public static class image watermark into the document. static SetImage ( Stream...
DocumentPartSavingArgs DocumentPartFileName property. Gets or sets the file name without path where the Document part will be saved to in (without path) where the document part will be saved to. public...allows you to redefine how the document part file names are generated...
Saves the Document output....Save method Saves the document output. public void Save ()...EmbedImages = false }; WebDocument document = new WebDocument ( options...