ContributorCollection Artist property. Gets or sets the artist of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ContributorCollection Interviewee property. Gets or sets the interviewee of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ContributorCollection Interviewer property. Gets or sets the interviewer of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source CaseNumber property. Gets or sets the case number of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ContributorCollection Composer property. Gets or sets the composer of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
Source Day property. Gets or sets the day of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ContributorCollection Producer property. Gets or sets the producer of a source in C#....available in the document. Documentdocument = new Document ( MyDir +...Bibliography bibliography = document . Bibliography ; Assert ....
ParagraphCollection Item property. Retrieves a Paragraph at the given index in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Revisions..."Revisions.docx" ); // This document contains "Move" revisions, which...
ListLevelCollection Count property. Gets the number of levels in this list in C#....use it in a document. Document doc = new Document (); // A list...and end a list by using a document builder's "ListFormat" property...
Sets keywords related to the Document...Sets keywords related to the document public void SetKeywords (...String Keywords related to the document See Also class SummaryInfo...