FontInfo Name property. Gets the name of the font in C#....present in a document. Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Embedded...used and unused fonts in the document. for ( int i = 0 ; i < allFonts...
WebExtension Properties property. Represents a set of web extension custom properties in C#....extension to a document. Document doc = new Document (); // Create...which will be used by the document, // then set its default location...
WebExtensionReference Version property. Specifies the version of the web extension in C#....extension to a document. Document doc = new Document (); // Create...which will be used by the document, // then set its default location...
Inline IsFormatRevision property. Returns true if formatting of the object was changed in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Revision...docx" ); // When we edit the document while the "Track Changes"...
Inline IsMoveToRevision property. Returns true if this object was moved inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled in C#.... Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Revision...docx" ); // When we edit the document while the "Track Changes"...
DocumentProperty ToBool method. Returns the property value as bool in C#....custom document properties. Document doc = new Document (); CustomDocumentProper...namespace Aspose.Words.Properties assembly Aspose.Words DocumentProperty...
FindReplaceOptions IgnoreShapes property. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating either to ignore shapes within a text in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder...IgnoreShapes = true }; builder . Document . Range . Replace ( "Lorem...
Fill PresetTexture property. Gets a PresetTexture for the fill in C#.... Document doc = new Document (); DocumentBuilder..."TextureAlignment" // property after the document saves. OoxmlSaveOptions saveOptions...
DigitalSignatureDetails constructor. Initializes a new instance of DigitalSignatureDetails class in C#....signing a document. Examples Shows how to sign OOXML document. Document...Document doc = new Document ( MyDir + "Document.docx" ); CertificateHolder...
TxtLoadOptions DetectHyperlinks property. Specifies either to detect hyperlinks in text. The default value is false in C#....Load document with hyperlinks. Document doc = new Document ( stream...namespace Aspose.Words.Loading assembly Aspose.Words TxtLoadOptions...